A purchased item can only be paid for if you have received a payment request from your seller. If your seller has sent you a payment request, you'll find it in the "My purchases: To pay" tab. However, if your seller has not sent you a payment request, your purchase will be in the "My purchases: Pending invoicing" tab.
This article covers the following subjects:
My seller sent me a payment request
Once you have received the payment request, you have 14 days to pay for your purchases.
Payment will be made according to the payment methods accepted by your seller.
The following articles cover each of the possible scenarios:
I made a purchase and I want to pay with PayPal. What should I do?
I made a purchase and I want to pay with my available Mangopay balance. What should I do?
I made a purchase, but my Mangopay balance is insufficient. How can I pay?
I made a purchase and I want to pay with my bank card. How can I do it?
I made a purchase and I want to pay by bank transfer. What should I do?
My seller didn't send me a payment request
If no payment request has been sent to us, don't panic! Your seller has 7 days to do so. If you don't receive your payment request within this period, please follow the steps described in this article: "What should I do if I don't receive a payment request?"