To inform people that you will be absent temporarily, e.g. when you go on holidays or for other reasons, you can display a temporary absence icon. The icon will be visible in several areas of the website to inform other members.
To activate the icon
- Go to the page “My parameters: General”
- Check ”Yes” under “I am temporarily absent” in the public information box
- Enter the date you will return
- Click on "Modify"
Note: The return date selected will remain private and visible to you only. The icon will be deactivated automatically on the date initially selected. Don’t forget to manually deactivate the option if you return earlier than expected.
Tip: If you like, you can also add an away message in the “I introduce myself” section. This message is displayed on your sales and member page. If you are a seller, we recommend that you close your sales to avoid receiving bids when you can’t finalize the sales.
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