If you recently put an item up for sale, it’s possible that it will not show up in the search results immediately. Sales generally show up in search results lists within 5 minutes to 24 hours. To f...
If you recently put an item up for sale, it’s possible that it will not show up in the search results immediately. Sales generally show up in search results lists within 5 minutes to 24 hours. To f...
If you have mistakenly marked an item as "sent", the transaction can be found under the "Shipped" tab of your sale tracking and the icon “item sent” is ticked. To no longer mark the item as sent G...
This article covers the following topics: My buyer's account is suspended or closed and I haven't been paid My buyer's account is suspended or closed and I have been paid My buyer's account is su...
If you don't want to make a sale with a particular member, you can place him/her on your blacklist. This feature will prevent him/her from buying from your shop. In order to blacklist a member: Go...
If you face difficulties with your buyer, you can initiate a dispute. This functionality enables members to resolve their misunderstandings and provides them with an opportunity to express their po...
After receiving the payment request, the buyer has 14 days to pay. If the buyer does not respond, the seller has several options: Send a reminder Contact the buyer through the Delcampe messaging ...
After receiving the payment request, your buyer has a maximum of 14 days to pay for the purchase. If you do not receive payment, you have the option of sending a payment reminder once 7 days have e...
Delcampe lets you initiate a dispute if you receive a feedback you believe is unjustified.When you open a dispute, you will be in direct contact with your buyer.The Delcampe Team will only be infor...
When an item is offered for sale, the seller is asked to ensure that it complies with our Charter. However, if we notice an item that does not comply with our Charter, the sale will be closed by a ...