It’s easy to buy on the Delcampe website. Just follow the steps below to find and buy the item you want:
The website provides many different ways to find the item you want:
- The basic search enables you to search by keyword or by item number or to find a specific seller.
- The advanced search enables more refined searches.
- You can also search using the website categories.
- Log on or register if you haven’t already done so.
- Go to the item page to submit an offer.
Important: be sure to read the item description and the seller’s terms and conditions of sale carefully before putting in a bid!
Two types of sales are available:
- Auctions: enter the bid amount
- Fixed-price sales for which you can either:
- Buy the item immediately
- Add the item to your basket then finalise your order later.
Regardless of the type of sale, the buyer's nickname and any bidders are anonymous:
- each member only sees their own nickname. If there are other bidders, their nicknames are replaced by "bidder #1", "bidder #2" etc.
- any member not involved in the auction only sees the seller's nickname. The nicknames of the bidders are replaced by "bidder #1", "bidder #2" etc.
- the seller sees the nicknames of each bidder and the buyer
For auctions, if a bid is placed during the last minute of the auction, the auction is extended by one minute and so on.
- During an auction, the item is sold to the highest bidder at the time the sale closes.
- During a fixed-price sale, you become the buyer as soon as you finalise the order.
- Delcampe sends a confirmation email in both cases.
- An email is sent to the seller once the item is sold.
- The payment request includes all of the information related to the sale (payment methods, delivery costs, etc.). Depending on the configuration of your seller’s account, you can either pay for the item immediately or wait until you receive an invoice from them.
- Buyers must pay for items according to the seller’s instructions.
Note: All of your purchases must be paid to the sellers directly. Never credit your Delcampe account to pay for your purchases.
The seller will send the item to the buyer as soon as they receive their payment.
A rating can be given by both parties after the transaction is finalised.