The year 2024 was a year of change for the Delcampe website.
These included the introduction of a new ‘Payments’ tab, the launch of new store subscriptions, and the end of the commission fees charged to sellers on each item sold.
This last change coincided with the introduction of platform fees, deducted directly from the buyer's payment. It was decided to display the price of the item including these fees on all item pages. For example, for an item offered at €10 by the seller, the price displayed for buyers was €11.30 (10% of the price + €0.30). Sellers, meanwhile, continued to see their initial selling price.
This display has been called into question and will be changed shortly. For more details, please read this article.
This article covers the following topics:
- What exactly is changing in terms of displaying selling prices?
- Why is Delcampe changing this display?
- When will this visual change take place?
- What impact will this have on my sales/purchases?
What exactly is changing in terms of displaying selling prices?
We have decided to modify the way sale prices are displayed. Very soon, the only price displayed on the sale will be the one set by the seller. This display will be visible to all members, whether sellers or buyers.
The price will therefore be displayed excluding delivery costs and platform fees, on the search pages, in the basket and on the item page. The same will apply to lower and grouped bids, in the history of items sold and purchased, in emails, etc.
The item page
On the item page, under the bid or buy button, you will see information about the shipping costs and, below this, the platform costs that will be payable for this item.
For a fixed-price item, the platform fee will already be calculated; for an item offered at auction, the calculation to be taken into account will be displayed, as it is not possible to know the final amount in advance (e.g. 10% +0.30 EUR).
Here is an example of a fixed-price sale
Here is an example of an auction sale
At the confirmation of your offer or purchase, the price will be displayed exclusive of charges. The charges will be indicated below the confirmation button. The same will apply when confirming purchases from the basket.
Here is an example of a confirmation for a fixed-price purchase
Gallery pages
In the search lists, you will also see the prices set by the seller, excluding shipping costs. You can display shipping costs via a display parameter, as these are not displayed by default.
Note that if delivery is free, this will be highlighted on the item thumbnail, even if the previous setting has not been activated.
The payment request
In the payment request on the buyer's side, the total amount to be paid will be displayed including charges (i.e. postage, platform fees and possibly import fees), but you will also see details of these charges as well as the prices of the items based on the seller's price, as elsewhere on the site.
Note that nothing changes in the seller's payment request, as the information is already detailed.
Here is an example of the information displayed to the buyer during payment
Why is Delcampe changing this display?
We surveyed a number of sellers and buyers who told us that the display of prices, with platform fees included, created a lot of misunderstanding between them. The fact that sellers and buyers see different prices (fees excluded for some and included for others) makes it more difficult to negotiate when bids are lower. It also leads to misunderstandings on the part of buyers, who see the platform fees included in the selling price on the item page but displayed separately in the details of the payment request.
We wanted to make things clearer by separating these fees from the selling price, as we already did for shipping costs. By doing this, we are aligning ourselves with the practice of many sites that charge operating costs to buyers. This gives us a level playing field when it comes to displaying prices.
Thanks to this change, both sellers and buyers will see the same information. There will no longer be a different view for buyers and duplicate information on the item page or in searches for sellers. Everyone will have the same visual information. This will bring greater consistency and promote communication between members on the website.
When will this visual change take place?
We expect this display change to take place on January 7, 2025. This article has been created in advance to help you understand and visualise the upcoming changes.
What impact will this have on my sales/purchases?
If you are a seller, you do not need to do anything. The change in price display will be automatic for current auctions without any bids, and their display will be updated immediately.
On the other hand, auctions still in progress that have received bids before the implementation date, as well as lower bids and grouped bids placed before this date and still pending, will have to be maintained in the old display system where the platform fees are included in the selling price displayed. This is a technical necessity.
We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of the changes to come, and we hope that this visual harmonisation will be to your satisfaction, while allowing better interaction and understanding between members. If you have any further questions, please contact our Customer Service through the formulaire de contact.