Cancelling a sale must take place at most 60 days after the sale is closed.
If you have several sales from the same buyer to cancel, we invite you to read the article "Cancel an invoice"
To cancel a sale
- Go to the page "My sold items" and find the payment request you want to cancel
- Click on "More"
- Click on "Cancel the sale"
- Choose between a neutral feedback (comment only) or a negative feedback (0% or 25%) from the drop-down menu and enter a comment.
- Enter the reason for your cancellation request
- Click on "Confirm request"
- A confirmation of your request will appear on your screen. This is visible in your "Cancelled sales".
Warning: if you are a professional seller and you cancel a sale for which your buyer has paid the import fees via Delcampe, you will be forced to make a refund of the item. For more information on the process, see the article: "I am a professional seller: How do I refund a payment including import fees ?"
Tip: if you wish to put the cancelled item back on sale, read "I cancelled a sale, how do I relist the item?"
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